The digital magazine Notebook offers a round-up of the best movie posters of 2013, with three French films featuring in the selection.
Continuing an annual tradition, the online magazine Notebook, dedicated to international cinema and film culture, has put together a list of the year's best movie posters.
Three French films with particularly striking posters in 2013 rank equally in 6th position:
Stranger by the Lake, for its French poster designed by Tom De Pékin . This poster created quite a stir and was banned in several French municipalities. The background to its creation was described in an article in Télérama magazine.
You and the Night, for its poster designed by William Laboury.
Blue is the Warmest Color, for its Canadian poster, designed by Karine Savard.
View all of the posters in the Best Movie Posters of 2013 on the Notebook website.