Unifrance is a nonprofit association created under the French Law of 1901. Unifrance is not a production company, distribution company, film sales company, or talent agency. We have no direct connections with any of the companies listed in our database. In addition, Unifrance does not hold copyright over any films.
If you wish to contact a company mentioned on our website (such as Bac Films, Artmedia, Gaumont, and so forth), please consult the company's page on our website, which you will find by entering the company name in the search bar.
Please do not send us film scripts or script proposals. We will not reply to any email or request of this sort.
13, rue Henner
75009 Paris
Email :
Opening hours for courier deliveries: Monday to Friday, 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2.15 p.m. to 6 p.m..
Film & Artistic Delegation Manager
Digital Project Manager