The international press comments on French cinema and audiovisual works, in festivals, international markets and out on release.
In メキシコ, the daily Heraldo de México announced the arrival of the series Balthazar on the small screen.
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Papo de Cinema published a laudatory article about Full Time, presented at the French Film Varilux Panorama in Brazil, whose 13th edition took place from June 22 in several of the country's cities.
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In アルゼンチン, the daily La Nación praised the series Call My Agent!: "The star-studded French success story that continues to travel the world."
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The Hollywood Reporter focused on the series Irma Vep, directed by Olivier Assayas and presented at the Cannes Film Festival.
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The New York Times showcased French documentaries, publishing two articles on two films released theatrically: Vedette and We ("A beautiful, loose-limned protrait of Paris's suburbs.")
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In ケベック州, Le Journal de Montréal appreciated the film The Kitchen Brigade: "An appealing social comedy."
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In Europe
On Drama Quaterly we can read an interview with screenwriter Yaël Langmann, in which she reveals the origines of the About Sasha series.
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Fotogramas commented on Unifrance's new event in スペイン, Francia está en pantalla (which took place from June 9 through 12.)
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C7nema, in ポルトガル, interviewed Gilles Lellouche: "French cinema is a very diversified sector."
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World Screen announced the sale of the French series Rebecca in アイルランド.
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And in the イギリス, Little White Lies published an interview with Lucile Hadzihalilovic, following the release of her latest film, Earwig.
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While still in the United Kingdom, The Guardian took a close interest in Gaspar Noé's latest film Vortex: "a surprisingly compassionate film about mortality."
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C21 Media remarked upon the French distributor Terranoa and its lineup of political and historical documentaries, presented during the recent Sunny Side of the Doc.
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The Spanish daily El País presented Return to Reims [fragments]: "A brilliant film about how the working class turned toward the Front National."
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German media platform Film Rezensionen published an interview with Bernard Campan on the occasion of the release of his latest film, Beautiful Minds (more than 40,000 admissions to date in ドイツ!).
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In Asia, SeñalNews announced the adaptation of the successful TV format Mystery Duets in 大韓民国.
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In オーストラリア, Marie-Antoinette, an eight-episode historical series, was sold to BBC First, WorldScreen reported.
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While still in Australia, Filmlink magazine shone the spotlight on Xavier Giannoli's film, Lost Illusions, which garnered almost 20,000 admissions in the first week of its theatrical release!
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To finish, the Locarno Film Festival's lifetime honor to Costa-Gavras was reported in The Hollywood Reporter.
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