Each year, Unifrance conducts a study on the distribution of French short films around the world. Preliminary findings of the 2009 study are released below.
For this study, producers and distributors of French short films were contacted in order to compile comprehensive information on their film sales in 2009, title by title. This study is based solely on objective results communicated to Unifrance Films by production and distribution companies.
In 2009, more than 130 international short film buyers acquired over 734 French short films, showing a sharp rise over 2008 (+25%).
These sales generated revenues of €495,135, a decrease of 2% over 2008 figures. This slight decline can be chiefly explained by the strong success of very short films in 2009, whereas longer-length films (sold at a higher price) dominated sales the previous year. This decrease is not of great significance considering that the 2009 study did not include sales to the Franco-German channel Arte (French + German royalties) or non-commercial sales to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The emergence of new film buyers in the global market allows for the growth of new sales outlets through new distribution channels, such as VOD and cellular telephones, which saw a 52% rise in turnover in 2009 over 2008.
€495,135 (-2%) in turnover for French short films
734 (+25%) film sales
443 (+18%) individual titles sold
171 (+10%) production companies providing sales figures
133 (+8%) buyers included in the study
N.B. Figures in parentheses refer to comparisons with 2008