Audacious and innovative, open and rallying, since 1971, the Montreal Festival du nouveau cinema (FNC) brings all its fire to the service of the 7th art. As the oldest Canadian film festival and distinguished for its prominent programming, the FNC’s mandate is to support emerging filmmakers by promoting their original and diverse voices, as well as to exhibit major cinematographic works of the contemporary cinema. Every year, we showcase more than 300 works from over 60 countries. The « nouveau » is embodied through three axes : new artists, new perspectives, and new technologies, paired with conferences, special events, and festive parties.
Contact UniFrance: Jean-Christophe Baubiat
この日付以降製作された作品 : Janvier 2021
最大継続期間 : 59'
この日付以降製作された作品 : Janvier 2021
認可されたジャンル : 全てのジャンル
条件 : (国内)映画祭未発表作
プレ選出に必要なフォーマット : Streaming
上映に必要なフォーマット : Video File, DCP (デジタル・シネマ・パッケージ)