In a Moscow store, a young Chechene with one leg wants to buy a pair of shoes. They are clearly too expensive for him. A man then offers to share costs. He is missing the opposite leg...
監督 (1)
俳優 (3)
映画製作・配給会社 (2)
- 製作代表 : Little Bear
- Film exports/foreign sales : Handicap International
クレジットタイトル詳細 (6)
- 製作代表 : Frédéric Bourboulon
- シナリオライター : Pavel Lounguine
- フォトディレクター : Igor Klibanov
- 作曲家 : Vladimir Chekassine
- Editor : Sophie Brunet
- 録音技師 : Philippe Richard
- タイプ : 短編映画
- ジャンル : フィクション
- 言語 : ロシア語
- Original French-language productions : 不明
- 製作年 : 1997
- 上映時間 : 3 分 55 秒
- ニュメロ·デ Visa : 93.110
- ビザ発行日 : 05/12/1997
- カラータイプ : カラー
- 画面セット : 1.66
Full movie to watch for free!
Butterfly, by Florence Miailhe
A man swims in the sea. This brings back memories. They are all connected to water, from his early childhood to his adult life. This will be the story of his last swim.
🦋 'Butterfly' won the Crystal Bear Young People's Jury at the Berlinale and was selected for the Official Competition at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, where it received the André Martin Prize.