1952. Alfred Hitchcock and his crew are shooting "I Confess" in Quebec City. At the same time, Rachel, pregnant at 16, a young maid at the presbytery, discovers behind the confessional grating that human mercy has another name : silence. 37 years go by. 1989. Pierre Lamontagne, who left for China three years previously, comes back to Quebec for his father's funeral. He is reunited with Marc, his adopted brother and Rachel's illegitimate son. The two brother start looking for the unknown father...
監督 (1)
俳優 (10)
映画製作・配給会社 (3)
- 共同製作 : Ciné-@
- Foreign production companies : Enigma Production Ltd, Cinémaginaire
- フランス国内配給 : Pan-Européenne (Pan Cinéma)
クレジットタイトル詳細 (12)
- Adaptation : Robert Lepage
- シナリオライター : Robert Lepage
- フォトディレクター : Alain Dostie
- 作曲家 : Alexander Puttnam
- Editor : Emmanuelle Castro
- 録音技師 : Jean-Claude Laureux
- Costume designer : Barbara Kidd
- Foreign producers : David Puttnam, Denise Robert
- 共同製作 : Philippe Carcassonne
- 報道担当(映画) : Dominique Segall, Myriam Bruguière
- Assistant editor : Aube Foglia
- 装飾 : François Laplante
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- タイプ : 長編映画
- ジャンル : フィクション
- サブジャンル : 人生ドラマ
- 言語 : フランス語, 英語
- 出身 : フランス, イギリス, カナダ
- Original French-language productions : 不明
映画祭でのセレクション (1)
"(...) The making of Alfred Hitchcock's film (...), far from being the main subject of this story is a reference-point, basis and background for a totally contemporary journey. That of two brothers struggling with life's problems who, thirty-seven years after the making of the film, roan around the city (Quebec) trying to shed some light on their memories. (...) But these two plot-lines become one thanks to the flashbacks blended in with "reality" (...) and that give "The Confessional" its weighty and special atmosphere. In his debut film, Robert Lepage leads us skilfully through this sordid and expiatory quest, between past and present, dream and reality. One must also mention Lothaire Bluteau's excellent performance as a lost dreamer and that of Kristin Scott-Thomas, outstanding as Hitchcock's personal assistant. A fine piece of work."
(Thierry Valletoux - Studio)