Her name is Claire Doste. She is beautiful. She is about to turn 35 and she has everything going for her — a fabulous apartment, a creative job in a publishing house specializing in crime novels, an adorable sister, and men. Too many men. All of three, that is... but that’s two too many! She invites them all over for her birthday dinner so that she can pick out the one man in her life. But a silly accident happens when Claire is getting the dinner ready...
監督 (1)
俳優 (26)
映画製作・配給会社 (4)
- 製作代表 : Les Films de la Suane
- Co-productions : STUDIOCANAL, France 2 Cinéma, Captain Movies
- Film exports/foreign sales : STUDIOCANAL
- フランス国内配給 : Rezo Films
クレジットタイトル詳細 (21)
- 製作代表 : Philippe Rousselet
- Adaptation : James Huth, Romain Berthomieu, Hugo Jacomet
- Screenwriters : James Huth, Romain Berthomieu
- フォトディレクター : Jean-Claude Thibaut
- 作曲家 : Bruno Coulais
- Assistant director : Catherine Puertas
- 編集担当 : Scott Stevenson
- 録音技師 : Pierre Excoffier
- Costume designer : Olivier Bériot
- Co-producers : Brahim Chioua, Pierre Héros
- Sound assistants : Olivier Varenne, Franck Cartaut
- 撮影技師アシスタント : Jean-Paul Vallorani, Nicolas Rideau
- 撮影技師 : Philippe Robert
- 製作部長 : François-Xavier Decraene
- 報道担当(映画) : Laura Gouadain
- スクリプト : Isabelle Ribis
- 装飾 : Jean-Baptiste Poirot
- サウンド・ミキサー : Bruno Tarrière
- スチールマン : Jean-Claude Thibaut
- 演出助手 : Jean-Paul Battaggia
- Post-production supervisor : Guy Courtecuisse
Watch Serial Lover in VOD
- タイプ : 長編映画
- ジャンル : フィクション
- サブジャンル : コメディー, ブラックユーモア
- 言語 : フランス語
- Original French-language productions : 不明
- 製作国 : 100%フランス
映画祭でのセレクション (3)
Hong Kong French Film Festival
香港, 1999
James Huth’s first film, “Serial Lover”, is offbeat in a joyful, exhilarating way. It mixes genres — detective, comedy, gore — the better to run rings around convention. Everything is absurd but perfectly mastered. As proof of this, certain scenes in “Serial Lover” can be watched over and over and are still hilariously funny. In the midst of all these corpses, Michèle Laroque plays the accidental manslaughteress with infectious verve, a complete change from the ditzy hausfrau we are used to seeing her play. (Jean-Pierre Lacomme, journalist - article in “Le Journal du Dimanche”, 19 April 1998)