Tuesday September 22, 1998. General Augusto Pinochet flew to London on a pleasure trip. Once there, he relaxed for several days and had tea with Margaret Thatcher. He intended to go to Paris, but sudden back pain obliged him to undergo an operation in a London clinic. When he came to from the operation, he was arrested by the police. Just what was this all about? Two years before Pinochet took that plane, Carlos Castresana, a young Madrid prosecutor, discovered a legal clause in Spanish law that allowed Spain to intervene in any country where genocide, torture or terrorism are carried out. Spurred on by a basic belief in justice, the prosecutor lodged a complaint against the Argentinean military and Pinochet. Judge Baltazar Garzon upheld the complaint. Then the judicial machine cranked into action. Hundreds of Chilean victims came to Madrid to testify before the judge. Women in the majority, they were mothers of the ‘disappeared’, or ex-prisoners who had been tortured. Lawyers presente...
監督 (1)
映画製作・配給会社 (5)
- 製作代表 : Les Films d'Ici
- Co-productions : Pathé Production, Pathé Télévision
- Foreign production companies : RTBF - Radio Télévision Belge de la Communauté Française, Les Films de la Passerelle , Benece Pacho Poch, Patricio Guzmán Producciones
- Film exports/foreign sales : Pathé Films
- フランス国内配給 : Euripide Distribution
クレジットタイトル詳細 (11)
- 製作代表 : Yves Jeanneau
- シナリオライター : Patricio Guzmán
- フォトディレクター : Jacques Bouquin
- Assistant director : Camila Guzmán Urzúa
- 編集担当 : Claudio Martinez
- 録音技師 : André Rigaut
- 撮影技師 : Jacques Bouquin
- Production manager : Nelly Mabilat
- 報道担当(映画) : Anne Guimet
- 音声編集担当 : Adrien Faucheux
- Sound mixers : Jean-Jacques Quinet, Éric Ducher
Watch Pinochet Case in VOD
- タイプ : 長編映画
- ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー
- 言語 : スペイン語
- 出身 : フランス, ベルギー, スペイン
- Original French-language productions : はい
- 製作国 : 大部分フランス (フランス, ベルギー, スペイン)