This drama about a thespian couple, Marion and Gabriel takes place during the second half of their hit comedy, as the two try to work out their differences. Marion plays one of the leads in the comedy, opposite an actor of lesser abilities who also happens to be the author of the play. Gabriel, on the other hand, has come down from his apex as an applauded tragedian to play only a small part in this piece -- and passes the time with a bottle in his dressing room, vainly attempting to drown his sorrows. As the couple's relationship comes under scrutiny, it is eventually revealed that there is more to their problems than first meets the eye.
監督 (1)
俳優 (9)
映画製作・配給会社 (3)
クレジットタイトル詳細 (10)
- 製作代表 : Francis Lacassin, Henry Lange
- Screenwriters : Claude D'Anna, Laure Bonin
- Dialogue Writer : Laure Bonin
- フォトディレクター : Pierre Dupouey
- 作曲家 : Richard Henberger, Egisto Macchi
- Assistant directors : Nathalie Rogoz, Marion Monestier, Philippe Gautier
- Editor : Kenout Peltier
- アソシエートプロデューサー : Francis Lacassin
- エグゼクティブプロデューサー : Jean-Marie Bertrand
- 装飾 : Didier Sainderichin
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- タイプ : 長編映画
- ジャンル : フィクション
- サブジャンル : 心理ドラマ
- テーマ : 演劇
- 言語 : フランス語
- その他の国の共同制作者 : フランス (100.0%)