40, is believed to have a special connection to God. As a "healer", she sustains a family and a village in need of hope, while she finds solace in her relationship with the natural world. After years of being controlled by her mother’s repressive care, Clara’s sexual desires are stirred by her attraction to her niece’s new boyfriend. This newly awakened force takes Clara to unexplored territory, allowing her to cross boundaries, both physical and mystical. Empowered by her self-discovery, Clara gradually frees herself from her role as “saint” and begins to heal herself.
Director (1)
俳優 (4)
映画製作・配給会社 (4)
- 共同製作 : Laïdak Films
- Foreign production companies : Need Productions, Resolve Media, Pacifica Grey, Hobab
- Film exports/foreign sales : Luxbox
- フランス国内配給 : Épicentre Films
クレジットタイトル詳細 (6)
- Screenwriters : Nathalie Álvarez Mesén, Maria Camila Arias
- Director of photography : Sophie Winquist
- Editor : Marie-Hélène Dozo
- Sound recordists : Charles De Ville, Aline Gavroy, Erick Vargas Williams, Valène Leroy
- Foreign producers : Nima Yousefi, Géraldine Sprimont, Anne-Laure Guégan, Karina Avellán, Marcelo Quesada Mena
- Co-producers : Ivan Zuber, Antoine Liétout
Watch Clara Sola in VOD
- タイプ : 長編映画
- ジャンル : フィクション
- 言語 : スペイン語
- 出身 : コスタリカ, フランス, ベルギー, スウェーデン, アメリカ合衆国
- Original French-language productions : 不明
- 製作年 : 2021
International releases
映画祭でのセレクション (3)
ダウンロードClara Sola
(pdf - 13 Mo)