The island of Arki has 1000 goats and 30 people. No mayor, police or doctor. However there is a school. It has only one teacher and only one child, Kristos. This is the last year of primary school for Kristos and in order to finish compulsory education he should leave for another island. His family cannot afford this but his teacher Maria will do whatever she can to make it happen. Will Kristos stay on the island or will he continue his studies across the sea?
Director (1)
映画製作・配給会社 (3)
- Co-productions : Les Films de l'Oeil Sauvage, ARTE France
- Foreign production companies : Blink Blink Prod., Bad Crowd
- Film exports/foreign sales : Deckert Distribution
クレジットタイトル詳細 (7)
- 製作代表 : Quentin Laurent
- フォトディレクター : Carlos Muñoz Gómez-Quintero
- Editor : Evguenia Papageorgiou
- 録音技師 : Manolis Makridakis
- Foreign producer : Giulia Amati
- Grader : Graziella Zanoni
- Sound mixers : Marzia Cordo, Giancarlo Rutigliano, Stefano Grosso
- タイプ : 長編映画
- ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー
- テーマ : 子供時代, 社会
- 出身 : イタリア, フランス, ギリシャ
- Original French-language productions : 不明
- 製作年 : 2022
映画祭でのセレクション (4)
受賞 (1)
DOK.fest München
ドイツ, 2023
kinokino Audience Award, sponsored by BR and 3sat
DOK.fest Award of SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit