Elsa Letellier, a member of Lyon’s Scientific Police, has chosen her career as a tribute to her father, Josselin, who was mysteriously murdered 30 years ago. As the statute of limitations runs out on the case, Elsa finds herself transported back to 1994, a few months before her father’s murder. She takes advantage of this “trip” to get closer to him and become his partner in preventing his death, without ever revealing her true identity. Except that everything is against them!
俳優 (7)
映画製作・配給会社 (3)
クレジットタイトル詳細 (8)
- Screenwriters : Clélia Constantine, Charlotte Robb, Louise Bezombes, Vinciane Mokry, Julie Anna Grignon
- フォトディレクター : Pierre Baboin
- 作曲家 : Yannis Dumoutiers
- Editors : Pascal Jauffres, Emmanuel Turlet, Bertrand Maillard, Emmanuel Douce
- Sound recordists : Vincent Piponnier, Alexis Viola
- Production managers : Benjamin Hess, Stephane Bourgine, Franck Delpech
- プログラムフォーマット : Série
- Nombre d'épisodes par saison / par collection : 6
- Nombre de saisons : 1
- タイプ : 視聴覚プログラム
- ジャンル : フィクション
- サブジャンル : 推理