Created and written by Deborah Davis (The Favourite), Marie Antoinette tells the story of the incredibly modern and avant garde young queen, played by Emilia Schüle (Ku’damm 56/ 63).
Through a 21st century lens, the series will explore the dark, manipulative and misogynistic world of Versailles. The series travels deep inside Marie Antoinette’s head, discovering who she is through her internal voice that often contrasts with the dramatic situations she finds herself in.
Season 1 starts with Marie Antoinette’s journey into the heart of the French Court where her enemies are waiting to greet her – and it is destined to be a rollercoaster.
Marie Antoinette was barely 14 years old when she left Austria to marry the Dauphin of France. Growing from a stubborn young princess navigating the rules of the French court under pressure to continue the Bourbon line, to a true fashion icon, she impressed with her natural charisma, and recreated life in Versailles in her image: f...
俳優 (4)
映画製作・配給会社 (3)
クレジットタイトル詳細 (4)
- 製作代表 : Claude Chelli, Margaux Balsan
- Screenwriter : Louise Ironside
- あてレコ : Chloé Berthier, Bruno Choël
Watch Marie-Antoinette in VOD
- プログラムフォーマット : Série
- Nombre d'épisodes par saison / par collection : 8
- Nombre de saisons : 1
- Plus d'épisode à venir : Oui
- タイプ : 視聴覚プログラム
- ジャンル : フィクション