Rico is a not too successful screen-player. He is also a repressed sex addict. His life changes when he starts to talk to his own penis, which incredibly answers him! All his relationships and views about reality are seriously impacted by his new "friend", his penis! The "two" in fact, often have different opinions, and sometimes the personality of "it" is stronger than its owner.
監督 (1)
俳優 (9)
映画製作・配給会社 (2)
- 共同製作 : Columbia France
- 海外製作作品 : Intermaco
クレジットタイトル詳細 (4)
- Screenwriters : Fulvio Gicca Palli, Luciano Salce, Enzo Siciliano, Nino Marino
- フォトディレクター : Armando Nannuzzi
- 作曲家 : Bruno Zambrini
- 原案 : Alberto Moravia
- タイプ : 長編映画
- ジャンル : フィクション
- サブジャンル : コメディー
- テーマ : 性行為
- 言語 : イタリア語
- 出身 : イタリア, フランス