Filmets Badalona Film Festival is an international short film festival in the genres of fiction, animation, documentary and visual effects, of general topics which include new productions on the international scene, from leading distributors of short films, film schools and worldwide directors.
Filmets select a rigorous international program considering the Section is based on the artistic, technical and screenplay criteria. The festival is recognized all over the world for its Official Section, parallel activities, sessions about Catalonia and international territories and its opening and closing ceremonies carefully staged.
この日付以降製作された作品 : 15 juin 2020
この催しに関するユニフランスの連絡先 : Christine Gendre
最大継続期間 : 30'
この日付以降製作された作品 : 15 juin 2020
認可されたジャンル : 全てのジャンル
プレ選出に必要なフォーマット : Short Film Gallery, Video File
上映に必要なフォーマット : Video File