The VALENCIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL CINEMA JOVE has been held each year for 30 years in Valencia; each month of June, the event draws film professionals like a magnet and it has become one of the top Spanish specialised festivals. In its inception, it was geared towards filmmaking education, only to become, in just a few years, a space catering to the needs of up-and-coming filmmaking professionals. It has not cast aside its educational component (known today as Encuentro Audiovisual de Jóvenes – Audiovisual Encounter for the Young).
In this vein, it has both inspired and fostered many initiatives, both in Spain and the world over; today it stands as Europe’s longest-living filmmaking event, with the added advantage of being held in a professional filmmaking setting. Over the years, the Festival has functioned as a key international forum for youthful audiences and young filmmakers alike, all of whom are drawn from all over the world. There are two official categories focusing on...
Contact UniFrance: Delphyne Besse
この日付以降製作された作品 : Janvier 2020
この催しに関するユニフランスの連絡先 : Tiziana D'Egido
最大継続期間 : 30'
この日付以降製作された作品 : Janvier 2020
認可されたジャンル : フィクション、アニメーション、ドキュメンタリー
条件 : 地域未公開作
プレ選出に必要なフォーマット : Streaming, Short Film Gallery
上映に必要なフォーマット : MPEG-4