French works & talents
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Rome Film Fest
Benicio Del Toro
俳優 for Escobar: Paradise Lost

Cédric Anger
監督 for Next Time I'll Aim for the Heart

Guillaume Canet
俳優 for Next Time I'll Aim for the Heart

Félix de Givry
俳優 for Eden

Benicio Del Toro
俳優 for Escobar: Paradise Lost

Cédric Anger
監督 for Next Time I'll Aim for the Heart

Guillaume Canet
俳優 for Next Time I'll Aim for the Heart

Félix de Givry
俳優 for Eden

Benicio Del Toro
俳優 for Escobar: Paradise Lost

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Rome Film Fest
Cédric Anger
監督 for Next Time I'll Aim for the Heart

Guillaume Canet
俳優 for Next Time I'll Aim for the Heart

Félix de Givry
俳優 for Eden

Benicio Del Toro
俳優 for Escobar: Paradise Lost

Mia Hansen-Love
ディレクター for Eden

Josh Hutcherson
俳優 for Escobar: Paradise Lost

Jean-Pierre Jeunet
監督 for The Young and Prodigious Spivet

Ioanis Nuguet
監督 for Spartacus & Cassandra

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Rome Film Fest
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