After a successful first installment in October, UniFrance Films' Short Film Department continues its series of meetings between our up-and-coming producer members and established figures from the feature film sector.
The second breakfast event organized for the "From Short to Long" ("Du Court au Long") Meetings took place on December 10 at the UniFrance Films head office, hosted by our deputy executive director, Gilles Renouard.
This time, the sales agents Grégoire Melin and Gaëlle Mareschi (Kinology), along with the producer Denis Freyd (Archipel 33), agreed to take part in the event, and with great generosity shared their wealth of experience in the area of co-productions with foreign partners and international film sales, in a meeting that lasted over one and a half hours.
As well as helping to raise the awareness of short filmmakers of the challenges of the international market, our guest speakers also highlighted the importance of mechanisms such as the ACE and the EAVE in creating, at the early stage of a film's development, artistic and personal relationships between European industry players.
The next meeting will be held in the first quarter of 2015.