So as to be near his children after his divorce, Laurent Monier, a history/geography teacher in a quiet provincial secondary school, takes a job in a "problem" school in the Paris suburbs. When he starts in after the holidays he's given the "Fourth-Technical" the school's toughest class and the only accomodation on the particularly difficult "Mûriers" estate ! His existence becomes a veritable assault course for which his history/geography degree had little prepared him.
監督 (1)
俳優 (33)
映画製作・配給会社 (4)
- 製作代表 : Film Par Film
- Co-productions : DD Productions, TF1 Films Production, Societé d'Exploitation et de Distribution de Films (SEDIF), Orly Films, Prima
- Film exports/foreign sales : Tamasa Distribution
- フランス国内配給 : AMLF
クレジットタイトル詳細 (19)
- 製作代表 : Jean-Louis Livi
- シナリオライター : Gérard Lauzier
- フォトディレクター : Jean-Yves Le Mener
- 作曲家 : Vladimir Cosma
- 監督補佐 : Jérôme Navarro
- 編集担当 : Georges Klotz
- 録音技師 : Pierre Befve
- Costume designers : Gil Noir, Marpessa Djian
- エグゼクティブプロデューサー : Bernard Marescot
- Co-producers : ジェラール ドバルデュー, Raphaël Berdugo
- 音声アシスタント : Jacques Ballay
- 撮影技師アシスタント : Dominique Delguste, Sébastien Pentecouteau
- 撮影技師 : Yves Agostini
- 製作部長 : Marc Vadé
- Sound editors : Élisabeth Paquotte, Stéphanie Granel
- 装飾 : Christian Marti
- 映画輸出業者 : Raphaël Berdugo
- サウンド・ミキサー : Gérard Lamps
- スチールマン : Arnaud Borrel
Watch Best Job in the World in VOD
- タイプ : 長編映画
- ジャンル : フィクション
- サブジャンル : コメディー
- テーマ : 教育
- 言語 : フランス語
- その他の国の共同制作者 : フランス
映画祭でのセレクション (2)
"I was determined to give this comedy set in the suburbs an optimistic ending. That didn't go down well. Unlikely, I was told, unrealistic, hackneyed, commercial, American-style happy ending and others. The future is necessary bleak, with the famous "suburban explosion" to cap it all. In the past, we weren't supposed to demoralize the working-class neighbourhoods, but today it's right to demoralize the immigrant neighbourhoods. Optimism is incongruous, old-fashioned and politically suspect in today's France. This is all the more surprising since France, compared to the rest of the world, isn't doing that badly, whatever people may say."
(Gérard Lauzier)