The story takes place in the 1920s in a remote area of the Aurassian mountains in Eastern Algeria, an area that is frequently devastated by long winters, famine, and disease. Brahim, a master craftsman, is one of the wealthiest men in the region. Married to Nakla and Gamra, who have failed to bear his children, he decides to marry for a third time, hoping that a third wife will provide him with an heir before he is too old.
Forced to marry the aging Brahim, Fadah, a beautiful, healthy twenty-year-old woman joins the two other wives in a household that is cut off from the rest of the community. Only Brahim has contact with others and leaves to go to the village once a month to deliver his pottery and buy supplies.
One day, Brahim hires a young man, Hemna, to do work on the property. A few months later, Fadah shows all signs of a pregnant woman…
監督 (1)
俳優 (6)
映画製作・配給会社 (4)
- Co-productions : 3B Productions, Canal+ Horizons
- Film exports/foreign sales : Pyramide International
- フランス国内配給 : Tadrart Films
クレジットタイトル詳細 (6)
- 製作代表 : Rachid Bouchareb, Jean Bréhat
- シナリオライター : Naguel Belouad
- フォトディレクター : Bachir Selami
- Editor : Joëlle Dufour
- 録音技師 : Malek Zaidi
- 報道担当(映画) : François Hassan Guerrar
- タイプ : 長編映画
- ジャンル : フィクション
- サブジャンル : ドラマ
- 出身 : アルジェリア, フランス
- Original French-language productions : 不明
- 製作国 : ごく一部フランス (アルジェリア, フランス)
映画祭でのセレクション (4)
San Sebastian International Film Festival
スペイン, 2003
Amongst Friends and Neighbours - North African Open House