Founded in 1982, ITFS has evolved into one of the world’s leading events for animated film. The Festival presents a full, up-to-date spectrum of animated filmmaking and its intersections with visual effects, architecture art, design, music and games. Up to 100,000 visitors come to Stuttgart to see around 1,000 films at the Open-Air and Innenstadtkinos Stuttgart cinemas. The FMX takes place alongside the ITFS. As the largest professional conference for animation, effects, games and immersive media (Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Immersive Media), it is organizing the Animation Production Days business platform, the only coproduction and financing market specialized in animation projects Germany.
この日付以降製作された作品 : 1/10/2022
最大継続期間 : 30'
この日付以降製作された作品 : 1/10/2022
認可されたジャンル : アニメーションのみ
プレ選出に必要なフォーマット : Video File
上映に必要なフォーマット : DCP (デジタル・シネマ・パッケージ), MPEG-4