As a boy the orphan Antonio Stradivari heard for the first time in his life the sound of a violin and he was fascinated by its voice. He tried to construct a violin and attracted the attention of Niccolò Amati, a famous lutist of Cremona. Antonio became apprentice in his bottega (workshop). Grown up, he fell in love for Francesca and he succeeded in marrying her. Afterwards he became more and more famous for his violins and he was granted a diploma from the king of Spain. After the death of his wife he was almost forced to marry again. He was chosen by Antonia Maria and it will be a happy marriage. In the background we have a look at the history of Northern Italy during the seventeenth century.
監督 (1)
俳優 (8)
映画製作・配給会社 (2)
- 共同製作 : Cinémax
- Foreign production companies : Gruppo Bema, Cinecittà (ex-Istituto Luce), Rete Italia Productions
クレジットタイトル詳細 (8)
- Screenwriters : Giacomo Battiato, Suso Cecchi D'Amico, Ernesto Gastaldi, Vittorio Salerno
- フォトディレクター : Tonino Delli Colli
- 作曲家 : Francesco Tampori
- 編集担当 : Alfredo Muschietti
- 録音技師 : Bernard Bats
- 海外プロデューサー : Achille Manzotti
- 共同製作 : André Djaoui
- 音声アシスタント : Michel Kharat
- タイプ : 長編映画
- ジャンル : フィクション
- 言語 : イタリア語
- 出身 : イタリア, フランス
- Original French-language productions : 不明
- 製作年 : 1988
- フランス公開 :
- 上映時間 : 1 時間 50 分
- 経過状況 :
- CNC助成 :
- カラータイプ : カラー